Prompted Peculiar – International AI Prize 2023

Move into the future through the Promoted Peculiar — International AI Prize 2023

Explore what happens when you give artificial intelligence a series of prompts to make images. Prompted Peculiar is Ballarat International Foto Biennale’s inaugural AI prize.

Entries for this year’s prize closed on 15 September 2023 and finalists will be selected by an international judging panel, including AI artist Boris Eldagsen and Una Rey, Editor, Artlink Magazine and Vanessa Gerrans, CEO, BIFB.

The Jury shortlist of AI images will be exhibited during the festival from 22 September to 22 October 2023 and festival visitors are invited to cast their vote for the People’s Choice award.


Entries are now closed.

Finalists notified: 18 September 2023


The Prize

The inaugural Promoted Peculiar — International AI Prize brings us squarely into the world of images generated by prompting Artificial Intelligence to create art.

This is a global competition that offers a $2000 prize to the overall winner and $1000 to the People’s Choice award. As new technology impacts visual culture, Prompted Peculiar is an invitation to debate where this new art of ‘promptography’ belongs.

The term ‘promptography’ was coined this year when photographer Boris Eldagsen turned down first prize in the creative open category of the Sony World Photography Awards this year, because his image ‘The Electrician’ was generated by AI, and in his words, was ‘not photography’.

Prize winners will be announced Sunday, 8 October at 2pm.


Award announcement: Sunday 8 October 2pm

Exhibition: 22 September–22 October 10am–5pm

BAaD Gallery & Events, 737 Sturt Street, in Ballarat, Australia.

People’s Choice Award voting open Friday 22 September, closing Saturday 7 October.